A troubled election-that certainly contained a number of irregularities-finds its fate announced at a press conference on Monday, November 29th, at the Kinam Hotel. A pack of journalists fill the lobby. These are the faces I have seen glowing over laptops in hotel lobbies for the last week. The center of attention is Colin Granderson. Mr. Granderson is the head of the Organization of American States (OAS) and Caribbean Community (CARICOM). He spoke at length about the issues surrounding Haiti’s election. In short, Mr. Granderson had three key points that he continued to make throughout the Q & A session:
1. There were irregularities, but not enough to constitute massive fraud.
2. The election is considered good and will stand.
3. Mr. Granderson urged the candidates who were unhappy with this situation to please use legal means that exist inside Haiti’s electoral process and to refrain from violence.