Yellow is gold
Originally uploaded by johnnycolttv
X marks the spot all the pirates say !!!!!
Ther gold in em ther hillz
Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T

Yellow is gold
Originally uploaded by johnnycolttv
X marks the spot all the pirates say !!!!!
Ther gold in em ther hillz
Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T
Comment by Sanlin — August 25, 2007 @ 4:50 am
Arrrrr… ^^ Of all the available potential occupations in the world, ‘piracy’ has always been near the top of my list. I sometimes think I’m living in the wrong century. Hope you boys strike the motherload of all booty, since we’re mixing genres and metaphors. ^^ jogos casino online
Comment by 3redheads — August 28, 2007 @ 7:09 pm
The neighborhood that connects? You must have something special planned. Any more clues so we can find the treasure?