C45 customblueflamexbox
Originally uploaded by johnnycolttv
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C45 customblueflamexbox
Originally uploaded by johnnycolttv
Man can’t werk on werk alone jogos casino online
U can play vidoe games with a friend in vietnam !!!!!!!
Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T
Comment by Sanlin — August 29, 2007 @ 2:50 pm
Oooooh. ^^ Niiiiiice. That is a *very* cool game system you’ve got yourself, there, Johnny. I’m sure you’ll have a blast with that puppy. I have always been a gamer. Although, *what* I play has changed over the years. I’ve run through a lot of things: Dungeons & Dragons, Magic: The Gathering (collectible card game), chess, cribbage, various board games and tons of video games. I started out, years ago, with ‘Pong’ and a Vic 20 computer. I think that computer had about 4k memory. LOL Leeetle bit different than my current one that has about 250 gigs. ^^ It was fun solving those early ‘word adventures,’ though. There were no fancy graphics or anything else at that time. Then came the early Apple computers, NES, Super NES, Playstation and all the rest of it. It’s a great way to ‘chill’ and decompress. Currently, for me, I’ve been playing online Texas Hold’Em poker with the Posse and Scrabble.
Comment by 3redheads — August 29, 2007 @ 5:20 pm
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