This entry was posted on Thursday, May 3rd, 2007 at 11:46 pm and is filed under News. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed. Bonus Fara Depunere

Never leave !!!!!
Everybody needs there very own night owl
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Written by Johnny ColtPopularity: 82% [?]

May 4th, 2007 at 12:50 am
I agree! I always love reading Sanlin’s Post =) You are an incredibly talented writer Sanlin… the song lyrics you wrote were incredible. I still have the lyrics for “Flipside of a dream” going around in my head! =)
May 4th, 2007 at 3:26 am
Hey, Johnny.
“As you wish.”
I’m not intending on going anywhere, lad, except to any concerts and gigs you guys blow up in this part of the world.
I’m a patient Owl. Take your time… No rush, no fuss. *tap, tap… tap, tap* LOL
I’m more than happy to be the ‘Night Owl in residence.’
But, you’re right… No Owl is too few. Two is too many. One… just right. ^^ Because, we are solitary and… well… downright ‘owlish’ critters, by nature. ^^ *settles comfortably onto roost* No worries… The odds of dislodging a securely roosted Owl are extremely thin. LOL ^^
Incidentally, my dualistic Gemini soul appreciates the double post… ^^
Awww… You always make my feathers blush bright pink with the sweet things you say, my friend. Thank you.
The honor and pleasure are all mine, believe me. You are an inspiration, role model, Sensei and so much more. You’re a constant source of delight, joy, laughter, gorgeous music and sage advice. You represent the very best in what humanity can and should be. Thanks for being a shining light. We need as much of that as we can discover, in this world and on our interconnected journeys.
Have an awesome time creating some beautiful new tunes, bro. Can’t wait to hear them.
That’s very kind of you to say.
I have dozens of song lyrics that I have no idea what to do with, yet. Unlike our multitalented fellows, I am not a composer, musician or singer. I just get the words. And the Isle, although lovely, is the hinterlands for songwriters. LOL I have no idea how I managed to acquire one song Muse (interestingly, my only male Muse–totally different from my ‘gals’) amongst all my poetry ones. Madonna and Bono must have been booked solid on those days, or something. ;-P “What do you mean *every* lyricist on the planet is busy? Okay, who else do we have?” LOL I don’t suffer from lack of material. I just have to do something with it. ^^ It’s like one of my writer friends quipped: “either you’ll do something with your writing–or, your *estate* will.” LOL *psst… Vegas odds favor the estate, currently* ;-P Okay, that’s enough rambling from me. *tucks beak under wing and closes one eye* ^^
Thanks, Jolene.