Comments for JOHNNY COLT JohnnyColt.TV view from the top Wed, 19 Sep 2007 12:33:41 +0000 Comment on carmen electra @ club fever by Sanlin Sanlin Mon, 17 Sep 2007 06:26:58 +0000 Hey, there, Mr. C45. :-) You're lookin' very rock n' roll gangsta in this foto. Musical combat mode in your cammies. Great expression on your face. :-) But, yeah, I don't think you've ever listed "former spouse of Dave Navarro" on your curriculum vitae. ;-) I'm happy you and Mike had fun 'splodin' an ELECTRAfying performance at FEVER. :-) If I'd known, further in advance, I would have tried to call out some Posse n' Patrol for ya. But, it's all good... You'll catch dat FEVER again, sometime. :-) Yeeeaaaiiiaahhh! :-) Hey, there, Mr. C45. :-) You’re lookin’ very rock n’ roll gangsta in this foto. Musical combat mode in your cammies. Great expression on your face. :-) But, yeah, I don’t think you’ve ever listed “former spouse of Dave Navarro” on your curriculum vitae. ;-) I’m happy you and Mike had fun ’splodin’ an ELECTRAfying performance at FEVER. :-) If I’d known, further in advance, I would have tried to call out some Posse n’ Patrol for ya. But, it’s all good… You’ll catch dat FEVER again, sometime. :-) Yeeeaaaiiiaahhh! :-)

Comment on carmen electra @ club fever by GSGS GSGS Mon, 17 Sep 2007 01:21:06 +0000 This looks suspiciously like you, John Boy. Carmen has longer hair and painted fingernails. Hope you and MB3 had a righteous time with the little lady. This looks suspiciously like you, John Boy. Carmen has longer hair and painted fingernails. Hope you and MB3 had a righteous time with the little lady.

Comment on Fw: Area 15 by Sanlin Sanlin Fri, 14 Sep 2007 17:27:04 +0000 Area 15... As *mysterious* as "Area 51," but the decor and artwork are *much* nicer. ^^ Rumored to be the site of several cosmic conjunctions of universal proportions. ;-) Our event-response team is looking into recent reports of "wizards throwing stars" and "cosmic foam." ^^ Area 15… As *mysterious* as “Area 51,” but the decor and artwork are *much* nicer. ^^ Rumored to be the site of several cosmic conjunctions of universal proportions. ;-) Our event-response team is looking into recent reports of “wizards throwing stars” and “cosmic foam.” ^^ jogos casino online

Comment on Buried treasure by Sanlin Sanlin Fri, 14 Sep 2007 17:09:07 +0000 Arrrrrrr! Shiver me timbers! Thar she blows! Three cheers for the captain and crew... Hurrah! Hurrah! Hurrah! :-) Does it make your heart beat faster, Johnny, seeing a site like this and knowing, in your mind, what it will look like once it has been reborn and transformed? :-) Thanks for all the awesome fotos on flickr. It's great to see candid behind-the-scenes shots from some of your gigs, interviews and events. :-) Can't wait to see what's next for y'all. :-) Sending hugs, love, positive energy and good thoughts to you and our crew. :-) Arrrrrrr! Shiver me timbers! Thar she blows! Three cheers for the captain and crew… Hurrah! Hurrah! Hurrah! :-) Does it make your heart beat faster, Johnny, seeing a site like this and knowing, in your mind, what it will look like once it has been reborn and transformed? :-)

Thanks for all the awesome fotos on flickr. It’s great to see candid behind-the-scenes shots from some of your gigs, interviews and events. :-)

Can’t wait to see what’s next for y’all. :-) Sending hugs, love, positive energy and good thoughts to you and our crew. :-)

Comment on One of My Projects with E Group my Development Company! by Sanlin Sanlin Fri, 14 Sep 2007 12:22:28 +0000 Hey, Johnny. :-) *whistles* Wow! So, *this* is the one you had to sign on the dotted line in blood for... and that's what the bakery purchase was all about. You're completely about health and fitness, so that did seem curious. All has been revealed, in good time. :-) It is deliciously ironic that a place that once contributed to the "white death" of the sugar industry will be transformed into an area that's healthy and fitness friendly. :-) Hope the rezoning application goes smoothly for you guys. Reshaping the music industry and making things safer, better and more conducive to a creative working environment for future generations of musicians is one thing. But, now you're renewing, rebuilding and ergonomically designing entire neighborhoods. I don't think I have big enough words left in my vocabulary for what you fellows are accomplishing at this stage. You've eclipsed terms like noble, commendable, inspiring, visionary and revolutionary. You're into brave new frontiers, now. :-) It's just a taste of things to come. I can't wait to see what you boys dream up, next. Imagine what the Empire will be by the time this generation-spanning project is fully realized. :-) Sounds like those are going to be mighty spiffy roosts. Green spaces, parks, trails... See, environmental sensitivity--I knew it. ^^ People need nature and green spaces to be healthy, happy and live more balanced lives. You might even attract an Owl with that kind of a setup. (Every area should have *one* of those. ^^) If any of my feathered relatives show up with bits of fluff and string in their beaks and start making *oooooooh* and *chook... chook* sounds… take that as an encouraging sign. ;-) If *two* of them show up and start doing that... run! LOL Seriously, brother, I am so proud of you and our peeps not just for what you're doing, but for how and why you're doing it. This world needs every single soul it can get that is dedicated to improving the human condition while being responsible stewards of Mother Earth, today, and on into the future. Now, you're the kind of lads that *should* envision and rule a better world, handing things off in an *improved* state to future generations. It is an honor and pleasure to get to see your dreams transforming into the living incarnation of other people's hopes and desires. I know there will be many happy people that will live, work and raise families in the positive, productive, "green" and safe neighborhoods you're envisioning for them. As you know, Owls usually only wear hats to concerts... ^^ But, I will put mine on, just so I can tip it in respect to you and the lads. I want to live in the world the way you guys imagine it... Long may the BE reign and prosper. Huzzah! :-D Hey, Johnny. :-) *whistles* Wow! So, *this* is the one you had to sign on the dotted line in blood for… and that’s what the bakery purchase was all about. You’re completely about health and fitness, so that did seem curious. All has been revealed, in good time. :-) It is deliciously ironic that a place that once contributed to the “white death” of the sugar industry will be transformed into an area that’s healthy and fitness friendly. :-) Hope the rezoning application goes smoothly for you guys. Reshaping the music industry and making things safer, better and more conducive to a creative working environment for future generations of musicians is one thing. But, now you’re renewing, rebuilding and ergonomically designing entire neighborhoods. I don’t think I have big enough words left in my vocabulary for what you fellows are accomplishing at this stage. You’ve eclipsed terms like noble, commendable, inspiring, visionary and revolutionary. You’re into brave new frontiers, now. :-) It’s just a taste of things to come. I can’t wait to see what you boys dream up, next. Imagine what the Empire will be by the time this generation-spanning project is fully realized. :-) Sounds like those are going to be mighty spiffy roosts. Green spaces, parks, trails… See, environmental sensitivity–I knew it. ^^ People need nature and green spaces to be healthy, happy and live more balanced lives. You might even attract an Owl with that kind of a setup. (Every area should have *one* of those. ^^) If any of my feathered relatives show up with bits of fluff and string in their beaks and start making *oooooooh* and *chook… chook* sounds… take that as an encouraging sign. ;-) If *two* of them show up and start doing that… run! LOL Seriously, brother, I am so proud of you and our peeps not just for what you’re doing, but for how and why you’re doing it. This world needs every single soul it can get that is dedicated to improving the human condition while being responsible stewards of Mother Earth, today, and on into the future. Now, you’re the kind of lads that *should* envision and rule a better world, handing things off in an *improved* state to future generations. It is an honor and pleasure to get to see your dreams transforming into the living incarnation of other people’s hopes and desires. I know there will be many happy people that will live, work and raise families in the positive, productive, “green” and safe neighborhoods you’re envisioning for them. As you know, Owls usually only wear hats to concerts… ^^ But, I will put mine on, just so I can tip it in respect to you and the lads. I want to live in the world the way you guys imagine it… Long may the BE reign and prosper. Huzzah! :-D

Comment on One of My Projects with E Group my Development Company! by GSGS GSGS Fri, 14 Sep 2007 06:40:26 +0000 I could use a 900 sq.ft., one bedroom unit (view facing, if there is one). Do you accept Canadian currency? Where do I sign up? Congratulations Johnny. I know it will be awhile before the shovel's in the ground, but I also know you'll produce a good product. I could use a 900 sq.ft., one bedroom unit (view facing, if there is one). Do you accept Canadian currency? Where do I sign up?

Congratulations Johnny. I know it will be awhile before the shovel’s in the ground, but I also know you’ll produce a good product.

Comment on C45 &Harris Norwood - post battle !!!!! by GSGS GSGS Fri, 14 Sep 2007 06:37:09 +0000 Uh, who won? If this site (which hates me) let's me post it will be a miracle. Uh, who won?

If this site (which hates me) let’s me post it will be a miracle.

Comment on C45 &Harris Norwood - post battle !!!!! by Kimmie Kimmie Fri, 14 Sep 2007 02:58:32 +0000 Looking good after the battle C45. Hubby's happy to see you in the ring. Looking good after the battle C45. Hubby’s happy to see you in the ring.

Comment on C45 &Harris Norwood - post battle !!!!! by Sanlin Sanlin Wed, 12 Sep 2007 05:46:59 +0000 You boys are both looking in remarkably good shape for post-battle conditions. But, just to make sure... Quick, how many *feathers* am I holding up? ^^ Yeah, I think you're okay. ;-) Warriors, ready to take on the world... :-) You boys are both looking in remarkably good shape for post-battle conditions. But, just to make sure… Quick, how many *feathers* am I holding up? ^^ Yeah, I think you’re okay. ;-) Warriors, ready to take on the world… :-)

Comment on 30 dayz of night by Sanlin Sanlin Fri, 31 Aug 2007 23:35:43 +0000 Hey, Johnny. :-) I will definitely be checkin' this puppy out. :-) Cool project by your talented friend, Ben + skeery vampires = sounds like a good time to me. :-) Hope it's a smash hit at the box-office. :-) Hey, Johnny. :-) I will definitely be checkin’ this puppy out. :-) Cool project by your talented friend, Ben + skeery vampires = sounds like a good time to me. :-) Hope it’s a smash hit at the box-office. :-)
