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- Children - naughty children - women non the less…..
- Everyone one of them
- Yes curves
- Yes of age
- Yes still trying to please and fresh to put on a show…..
- nothing compelling @ it, except for the ass on one of those brown girls -
- Oh there are curves
The base in me responds, of course !
I am a man
No apology
- in contrast —- a needed apology for the camera phone frat boy Front row fodder Bonus Fara Depunere
- The sports bar
-A distant planet
-A strange breed
-The dwelling of inactive
-a temple of spectators
-Men in baseball hat vernacular
Urge titans in tights
-only the language of well worn bar wood speaks to me
-bacardi and coke at this bar she says thrusting bartender tits in my face…. Her spell is feeble - I get neither
- I sit
- I type
- I wonder why
- Always why
-Once you have a real women
You don’t go back …
-Not to the girls
-The booze
-Or the bar
- no,no - for me I am Content to feel the warmth of well worn bar wood and soak up the advantage of
pardon typos
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