This entry was posted on Monday, April 23rd, 2007 at 10:09 am and is filed under News. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.

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Get your own ” rev C45 skunk ”
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Written by Johnny ColtPopularity: 76% [?]

April 23rd, 2007 at 4:48 pm
I’ll have to pass on the reverse C-45 skunk, thanks anyway Johnny. It looks better on you than it ever would on me.
I’m mystified as to where my posted question went. Just as I hit submit, my computer came up with an error and this site closed down. I’ll look around or re-submit if I feel I can re-articulate it.
April 23rd, 2007 at 6:06 pm
LOL Hey, Johnny.
Yeah, like GSGS, I think I’ll leave the “reverse skunk, C45 style” to you, guy. And Lukas to his delightful faux hawks and yin-yang/skunk combos. LOL Suits you lads very well and looks tres cool n’ stylin’.
You and Lukas both seem to be chillin’, gangsta style, lately. He’s workin’ the hoodies n’ sunnies and you’re kickin’ the shades, ‘dos and hats.
I’m just thankful you haven’t gone all rap/hip-hop on us. LOL I’m sure you could busta rhyme with the best of them, but I love rock n’ roll.
Now, hybrid DJ sets on the other hand… Cool, cool.
I’ve been enjoying looking at your band ‘family’ photos on the main page. You’ve rocked a lot of different looks and styles over the years. It’s amazing what’s ‘cool,’ at the time, and then sometimes looks so screamingly funny a few decades later. LOL Not you, of course, you’re always timelessly cool.
But, I remember 70’s and 80’s styles and they’re a wee bit different than the modern ones. LOL You have sparked up your wardrobe, in recent years. I must say, your current incarnation really suits you.
Even Gilby has jumped on board, a bit, after hanging with you fashionistas. LOL It must have been hard (as in, did you have to enlist the assistance of the CIA? LOL) getting him to let go of the 70’s, but he needed a little ‘update.’
I’m a grand proponent of guyliner, too, after seeing how it brings out and highlights fellow’s eyes. And, you know I have that bit of Crow in my soul, so I do love bling and shiny things. LOL *chook, chook… beaks sparklies and shiny stones around in nest* ^^
Hey, I did wear makeup and black nail polish to rock out with RSSN. And I found a blinged out ‘pirate cap’ that I love. ^^ That’s pretty radical, for me. LOL ^^ But, I do that… I’m ultra conservative/casual for a long time and then I bust out and do something wild, just for fun. LOL
Still no tats… Although, I do have some dangerous ideas for designs swirling around in my noggin.
Yesterday, in my apartment foyer, my elderly manager was watching some of the tenants walk past. They were done up in full Goth/Vampire/Trenchcoat Mafia regalia. (Looked really good, actually.
) He went into full “damn kids” mode, the way only folks of a certain age can. LOL I had to resist the temptation to rush upstairs and get all blinged out, then casually stroll past, since he’s only seen me in my regular clothes. LOL I’d better not shock him. I’m not sure how steady his heart is… LOL Plus, I get along with him, well, so I’d better not freak him out. ;-P It was *tempting,* though. ^^ *chuckles*
You are going to have an amazing time, lad, and you’ve earned it. I’m glad Sterling is making the trip, too. She’s a sweetheart and makes beautiful jewelry. Not to mention all our other peeps. And the person that scores the “assistant” position will have the time of their lives. LOL Cool of you to do that, man.
Sending out peace, hugs and rockin’ vibes to you and all our friends. 
April 23rd, 2007 at 8:49 pm
You always blow my mind with style that’s so rockstar hot! Now we know who is responsible for it. I always look forward to seeing you and being wowed by the latest “do” or articles of rocker accesories.
You are a man of style, could you give my hubby a few tips?
April 24th, 2007 at 12:13 pm
I’ll leave the stylin’ to you! Love the reverse skunk and the whole rock star ensemble. You can pull it off!
I can’t imagine coming home from the foto show with a reverse skunk. Kids would think I was cool, parents would blacklist me. That might not be a bad thing…
April 24th, 2007 at 2:53 pm
At the risk of sounding silly, I, for the life of me, cant find any pics peeps are refering too? Can someone help me out? =)
April 25th, 2007 at 1:31 am
Jolene, I think Sanlin is referring to the framed pictures on the home page here at They show the three major bands with which Johnny has been a major player.
Click on the star in the upper left corner of this page and scroll down a way to find them.
Given Sugar
April 25th, 2007 at 2:13 am
Thanks GSGS, yes I know the pictures you are talking about =)They are great pics, but I must admit T-Lee looks slightly unusual wearing a top, hehe. I just got the wrong end of the stick and thought there were new pics up of Johnnys hair…. doh, silly me =)
April 25th, 2007 at 9:24 am
Yeah, those are the pictures I was talking about, GSGS.
Sorry if I caused any confuzzlement ;-), Jolene. Following my rambling train of thought can sometimes lead to temporary derailments of meaning and comprehension.
Counting down the days until ‘liftoff,’ Johnny.
Are you radiating enough creative energy and excited vibes to vibrate through solid objects, yet? LOL Or, are you playin’ it cool n’ ‘rock steady?’
Peeps have been checking in at the newly renamed, saying how much they’re looking forward to the event.
So, expect to see some Posse out rockin’ the love vibe, along with your Patrol and other fans, to catch your “Really Big Show.”
I will be there, in spirit, and am sending lots of love, positive vibes and prayers your way.
But, I never ‘astral travel,’ because, after the way I’ve treated my body, I figure if I left it for even a moment, it would just laugh at me if I tried to get back in, again. LOL ;-P Wouldn’t want to come back and find out my corporeal form had been subleased, or something. That would be me… Go out for a little stroll and see the “no vacancy” sign lit up on my return. ^^ ‘Heeeyyy… *knock, knock, knock* Let me in! Not cool.’ ^^ ;-P
Peace, brother.
Peeps always want to party *like* a rockstar. But, you get to party *as* a rockstar. 
April 25th, 2007 at 3:59 pm
Thanks Sanlin… I dont think it takes me much to get confuzzled (I love that word, hehe). I just checked out the Rockiit Salon website, and I am telling you, if I ever get over to your neck of the woods, I would love to get my hair done there, as long as I did not have to re mortgage the house to get it done =) I always had crazy hair, before I had my daughter… but it can be pretty hard getting your hair done when you have a toddler. So my hair has been pretty tame for about 2 years. But I think you have given me inspiration to go out and get something radical =)