Falling - down
Heavy and black - the squid is back………………….from black to murky grey, I’m sinking fast and deep underwater- Disorder ? Where is the surface - I breath out and watch the bubbles and move to follow I’m heavy and everything is so black I lose track of the bubbles and I realize I’m out of air !!!!! Lungs of fire I break for the surface but the ink is thick and so far…………..
Clawing at the gas mask all u can hear are his muffled screams as he unwinds from the last minute storm shelter he build last night pardon typos Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T
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1 Comment4^44582242 # 4
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2 Comments# 3
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Standing in the middle of the road I can’t help but feel I’m being watched……….the horizon to my right is peppered with boulders and to my left I’m still being followed by the small distant mountains - very little has changed……..except the storm that is moving fast in my direction from the north east !!………………ah fuck, I need this like a hole in my damn head………. From this distance the sand storm looks like a wall of brown smoke. I’m less than 5 min away from a nightmare At a dead sprint for the nearest grouping of boulders All I can hear is the sound of my breathing as I strap on my gas mask. A scuba diving symphony and suddenly the world becomes a distant place. The mask creates a detachment And my new world smells like rubber and toxic sweat - my sprint is now a crawl as I fight deep sand to get to a group of oddly shaped boulders The wind is picking up hard and fast……this is bad - the gas mask is the only way to breath in these sand storms - Slipping between the rocks i Drop to my knees …………. Don’t panic - u have done this before U know how to do this U still have visibility…………..
The wind howls - this wind howls like a steer being branded
I’ve unfolded my shovel and dig and down and straight to hell I hear my heart beating inside the swamp of a mask
!!! 2 min warning before this apocalypse is on top of me
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2 Comments# 2
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My entire story has come down to boot prints cut into the sand lasting the length between winds - Eyes wide open though clearly I am blind
Rhythmic steps downdown Downdown what would be the marrow of the bone highway ( my chosen title since the D.O.T. Must of went the way of the Egyptians in this desolate place ) The dotted yellow no where to be found just a highly faded concept ( like the world being flat ) From these boots, at this vantage, in this wasteland………………….it. is impossible to believe the world was ever round
” I remember round ” He thought to himself ” Do I remember round as truly round ? Or is my mind starting to invent……………….. startled to hear the sound of his own voice he found himself standing perfectly still in the middle of the road
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2 CommentsPart 1
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The deep black of the asphalt sporadically shows through the desert debris - piercing the infinite shades of brown and pink like the pattern on a salamander back The road in front of me is bone straight into a melting clock horizon The road itself untraveled, for how long ? Each step an archaeological discovery
Sand - everywhere sand
The weather is not weather…………..that rare balance of temp and humidity that creates nothing against the skin, When there is a breeze it comes in hard and fast - nothing for miles to slow its push…….. The breeze is an oven that’s just started to heat - warm but not hot enough to cook
A memory hits me like a bee sting As trying to hold soup in your hands the memory is gone before I can get my mind teeth sunk………..the sand so coarse my steps sound like I’m walking on broken glass
To my left in the distance small mountains with rocky crags jutting up - sheer walls of so many reds dive straight into the sand, everywhere sand. In every other direction infinite horizon -A razor line cutting the sky in a huge circle around the mountains
The sky —- ah the sky is the color of gods skin if he overdosed on drugs………….anemic gray and candle wax………………….?? What happened to all the birds ? Come to think of it - I haven’t seen anything MOVE in as long as I remember……………………
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3 CommentsInsomnia
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ColD and BLack………black…..like squid ink spreading across rice paper…….and like the squid - dEEp seA coLd and just as lost behind my eyes………small fragments of sleep
High noon becomes an ansel adams ? Problem : he ran out of ink in the printer and were only left with sIlvEr 9A ———- I.E. One shade of gRey
Reduced, mAde naRRow - heart as limp as the As the monochrome paper falling out of old fuck faces malfunctioning printer
I take up shield and spear to slay the beast of sleep, the beast created for me by the most modern of sciences……….my head is bubble wrap with its veRy BLOOD made fOul
Who took the damn ink cartridge !!!!!!!! Spins, a windmill Just small enough to fit in my brain……..as lie, as lie, as I lie awake waiting for the squid to slide up my spINe and deliver the INK…………………COLD and BLaCK One more broken ship drifting away
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2 CommentsStreet rats
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The 7 lane high speed traffic artery know as buford highway dances in the midsummer heat of georgia
Knees bent deep and tight into a downhill position - Carving the asphalt on a no name brand fiberglass skateboard weaving between cars traveling 45 miles an hour - the only sign of padding or protection on this 8 year old ARE the strangely shaped knees on his tough skin jeans from 2 many turns in the dryer -
Collar bone length motor oil hair whipping in the wind like a flag screaming WHERE are THIS KID’S PARENTS…………… As our hero passes an AMC pacer ( not so rare for 1978 ) he slaps the back quarter panel and gives the signal - the 2 hoodlums flanking him left and right direct there boards onto the dotted yellow Preparing for a death wish high speed cross traffic turn into a parking lot full of cars in reverse - having cheated death in the way only young boys can, our triad plunge into the BURGER KING - cutting figures more dickensonian than brady bunch
Our street rats have 2 things in common
1 - theIR house key hangs like a perpetual bronze medal around theIR scrawny necks - a symbol to say you’ll always be last place but keep up the good work
2- the one parent they have works around the clock - despite this they live below the poverty level
To be cont.
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