The Black Crowes - Everybody Must Get Stoned (Live Cover)

One Response to “The Black Crowes - Everybody Must Get Stoned (Live Cover)”

  1. avatar

    Rating: ? | Sanlin Says:

    Yeeaaiiaahh! :-) Awesome. :-) That’s the stuff, fo’ sho’. :-) It almost feels like looking at “baby pictures” or historical footage, though, if you know what I mean. LOL ;-) It is “rock history” and a time capsule back to a very distinctive part of our collective pasts. Young rock gods spreading their wings and strutting their stuff before massive crowds–yes sir. :-) It is funny to witness how dress, style and culture change over the years, too. Bet you never knew you’d be playing high-tech electronic music, in Japan, years later, when you were *this* funky cool Hippie kid, Johnny. :-) Ah, great memories. :-)

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