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Noda !!!!!! Crew
Noda !!!!!! Crew
Originally uploaded by johnnycolttv
The men behind the magic
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November 17th, 2007 at 5:12 am
Niiice. You’ll always stand out in a crowd, though, Johnny. You’re the rockstar version of “where’s Waldo” in this foto. ^^ Rock n’ roll 24/7 and cracklin’ C45 energy. Not to mention power pink fashion accessories. I appreciate guys with the confidence to wear pink. It’s actually a very warm, energizing and attractive color. Good job getting the boys to start making gestures. ^^ I can tell that’s pretty wild and daring for some of them. LOL It may take awhile before they’re ready for a full on “yeeaaaaiiiah.” But, it’ll happen. And that’s a special kind of magic all its own. However… You’ll have to keep an eye on the lot of them. Otherwise, they might get temporarily abducted by one of those TV shows that ransacks their closets to teach them about sacred mysteries like color coordination. ^^ Bonus Fara Depunere