Here you can download full episodes of Walking with Cavemen season 1 tv series in high quality and low size. We will update this page with direct download links and complete tv packs. On this page you will find download links to Walking with Cavemen season 1 television show.
The first episode of the Documentary, series Walking with Cavemen season 1 was released in 2003-03-27 by BBC One. The TV show was created by and directed by . Actors in the cast include Robert Winston. The avarenge rating on IMDB: is / 10. Series awards - .
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Episode Guide
Episode 1
First Ancestors
atmosphere daytime: 2003-03-27
Journeying centuries previously, Winston proceeds to the road of Australopithecus afarensis, an ape who shot the very first faltering step in the direction of modern person.
Episode two
Blood Brothers
atmosphere: 2003-04-03
Two species of apeman feature from the moment of Professor Robert Winston’s show on individual ancestry: the tender, root-munching Paranthropus boisei along with also the enterprising scavenger Homo habilis. Who had the ideal way for success within their ancient universe?
Episode 3
Savage Family
atmosphere day: 2003-04-16
An incredible brand new variety of apeman known as homo ergaster has obtained within Africa. They are specialist tool makers, food-finders and travelers, however they differ most in their own temptations is still inside their own tropical way of life. The next instalment of all Professor Robert Winston’s show on individual ancestry travels straight back one-and-half million many years to research this specific creature that is revolutionary.
Episode 4)
The Survivors
atmosphere day: 2003-04-23
concentrate on the set of Homo heidelbergensis, revolutionary tool end users that dwelt in household components however that were incompetent at ingenuity, as well as their own descendents that the Neanderthals and Homo prevailed, that found overcome on the earth.