Time Warp season 1 download

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The high velocity cameras are used at as low as five hundred frame/second for shooting the dogs beverage to as high as 40,000 frame/second for shooting bullets, breaking glass, etc.. Whilst the data to get lightness and darkness is reduced whenever there is no color worth to shoot speeds above 20,000 frame/second are shot in black and white. This is due to the fact that the tape is electronic and hence that the frame speed is limited to a data and white footage is more compact compared to full color.
Timewarp captures common activities and perspectives these days again in slow motion to uncover the various fundamentals of mathematics. To accomplish this, they analyze issues for example as for example being a fall of water, explosions, gunshots, ballet dance, cornflour, shallow water diving, X matches plus even some matterss cheek or standing on blades.
Timewarp is a very popular science-themed television program created for the Discovery Channel at the usa, at which Jeff Lieberman, an MIT scientist, teacher, and performer, together side high speed camera specialist Matt Kearney, utilize their highspeed digital camera to test casual happenings and singular talents.