Here you can download full episodes of The Crocodile Hunter season 4 tv series in high quality and low size. We will update this page with direct download links and complete tv packs. On this page you will find download links to The Crocodile Hunter season 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 television show.
The first episode of the Documentary, series The Crocodile Hunter season 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 was released in by Discovery Channel. The TV show was created by and directed by . Actors in the cast include Terri Irwin, Steve Irwin, Bindi Irwin. The avarenge rating on IMDB: is / 10. Series awards - .
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The Crocodile Hunter season 4 episode Guidebook & download Possibilities
Episode Guide
Episode inch
Legends of those Galapagos
atmosphere daily:
Steve and also Terri Irwin traveling into the Galapagos Islands to test big tortoises, one among them per 168-year old tortoise.
Episode two
Spitting Cobras of those World
air day:
Steve examines spitting cobras, that take venom in their sufferer’s eyes out of around 6 ft off. Included: Steve attempts medical aid in a Masai village later getting to touch with all an venom.
Episode 3
Crocodiles of those Revolution
air daytime:
Steve unites the Australian Zoo group and World Society for its Protection of Animals to a wild life rescue assignment to eliminate crocodiles out of the zoo at war torn East Timor.
Episode 4
Dangerous Africans
atmosphere afternoon:
Steve continues in an African safari that includes his currently being billed by dinosaurs and chased by hippos. Also: snakes, snakes, scorpions, lions and buffalo.
Episode 5)
Journey To The Red Centre
air day:
Steve and also Terri travel into the reddish dwarf in one’s center of Australia. They test venomous snakes, lizards and compromised critters since they earn their approach for the world-famous Uluru, also referred as Ayers Rock.
Episode 6)
Sidewinders Of Arizona
air day:
The sidewinder, a venomous spider of those Southwest U.S., is analyzed at an Air Force foundation in Arizona.
Episode 7)
Wildest Home Videos
air daytime:
This episode comprises footage out of Steve’s personal movies along with out takes from some other events. An mad crocodile snacks Steve about the foot as a python snacks Steve’s experience.
Episode 8)
Steve’s Story
air daytime:
This episode comprises clips from Steve’s ancient crocodile catches and more modern wild life experiences. His dad Bob along with also his mommy Lyn clarify exactly what it had been want to improve the type enthusiast)
Episode 9
Operation: Bunya Rescue
Steve and also Terri have been confronted with the intimidating undertaking of shifting an whole event full of critters in a neglected small business performance.
Episode 10
Last Primates of Madagascar
air day:
Steve actively seeks lemurs in distant regions of Madagascar and trips that the countryside around bike whilst fulfilling townsfolk.
Episode 11
Reptiles of those Lost Continent
air day:
Steve explores the odd monkeys of Madagascar, comprising most species of chameleon along with cave-dwelling crocodiles.