Here you can download full episodes of Mail Call season 1 tv series in high quality and low size. We will update this page with direct download links and complete tv packs. On this page you will find download links to Mail Call season 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 television show.
WATCH NOWThe first episode of the series Mail Call season 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 was released in 2002-08-04 by The History Channel. The TV show was created by and directed by . Actors in the cast include R. Lee Ermey. The avarenge rating on IMDB: is / 10. Series awards - .
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Mail Call season 1 episode Guidebook & download Alternatives
Episode Guide
Episode 1
Tank; Gatling Gun; Samurai Sword
atmosphere daily: 2002-08-04
Steering per World War II tank; Gatling gun rate; energy of this samurai sword.
Episode two
Knight’s Armor; WWI Backpack; Landmine
air day: 2002-08-11
Episode 3
Flak Vest; Medieval Crossbow; WWI Pilots
air evening: 2002-08-18
Body noun; precision of some medieval cross bow; just how World War I pilots taken through their propellers.
Episode 4)
Civil War Cannoneers; Night Vision; Clearing per Minefield
atmosphere evening: 2002-08-25
Episode 5
Landing Craft, Air Cushion Hovercraft (LCAC); U.S. Cavalry Saddles; Gas Masks
air evening: 2002-09-01
Operating that the LCAC; cavalry saddles utilized from the Old West; just how gas pushes get the job done.
Episode 6)
Mortar; WWII GIs’ Personal Items; Native-American Arrows
air evening: 2002-09-08
Maneuverable artillery; musket; Navy airships; precision traveling group; pirates; thickness costs
Episode 7
Re-Fueling per Fighter Jet; Naval Signal Flags; GI Chow
atmosphere daily: 2002-09-15
Episode 8)
Revolutionary WarMusket; Jousting; Foxholes
atmosphere evening: 2002-09-22
How quickly a Revolutionary War soldier can fire a musket; jousting; howto dig a foxhole.
Episode 9
The Pilum; WWII Radios; First Rockets
air evening: 2002-09-29
The early Roman pilum is intended to penetrate chemical; World War II military radios; the way rockets have been first utilized in the battle.