Here you can download full episodes of Ice Road Truckers season 4 tv series in high quality and low size. We will update this page with direct download links and complete tv packs. On this page you will find download links to Ice Road Truckers season 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 television show.
The first episode of the Reality, series Ice Road Truckers season 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 was released in 2010-06-06 by The History Channel. The TV show was created by and directed by . Actors in the cast include . The avarenge rating on IMDB: is / 10. Series awards - .
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The Ice Road Truckers yield to Alaska, dispersing their main heaps ever over the very harmful terrain they will have confronted daily But this calendar year, trucking seriously wanted freight north into the petroleum areas of Prudhoe Bay is only first. The motorists will probably handle suspended rivers and swamps outside beyond the Dalton Highway, transporting supplies into a few of one of the absolute most distant cities of this Great White North. Reigning king Jack Jesse appears to shield his name, and Lisa Kelly, clearly one of those single lady truckers in the haul street, struggles to confirm himself at the male dominated job. Rookie Ray Veilleux, who not long ago dropped his firm at the low 48, has begun north to conduct on the trail and also maintain his fighting household afloat. And, ongoing their decades-long competition, seasoned motorists Hugh Rowland and Alex Debogorski are rushing throat and throat.) The bets are equally high since the dashboard for dollars would be rising.
Episode Guide
Episode inch
Breaking Through
atmosphere evening: 2010-06-06
As that the season 4 kicks in to gear, the truckers carry off onto some 500-mile-long ice-covered street termed the Dalton, falling dangerous barriers on the manner. Meanwhile, a failure trailer brakes and garbage conversation across the CB sabotage to violate Lisa’s come-back.
Episode 3
Facing Down that the Blow
air day: 2010-06-20
Jack, Hugh and also Alex struck on the haul highway throughout a callous wind storm, together with near misses and catastrophic engine problem threatening to shoot down them. Meanwhile, Lisa, haunted with her current mis steps, lays out to the Dalton, chose to establish she actually is higher than the pretty experience. Ray and Lisa produce strategies to help keep the heaps shifting, however, newcomer mistakes ship the two drivers rolling up directly in to the core of the storm.
Episode 5)
Trapped On Thin Ice
air evening: 2010-07-11
Jack Jesse appears to conserve the entire city of Nuiqsut using a crisis gas shipping, however a blinding storm quits him to the thin ice of the arctic lake street. Meanwhile, Lisa Kelly has her huge opportunity to measure if she has awarded her initial oversize load.) As she struggles both the weather and also the authorities, but she starts to question whether her paychecks abilities are up into this evaluation.
Episode 6)
Danger in 55 Below
air afternoon: 2010-07-18
As the temperature circulates, tempers flare following Hugh has an earful in a motorist that would like off him the Alaskan roadways and rear from Canada. Meanwhile, Alex carries a large threat by selecting up a hitch hiker and Lisa fights to find down to the street after having a little traffic security set back.
atmosphere afternoon: 2010-07-25
When that an avalanche strikes, ” Jack is rendered powerless as he sees that the DOT cleanup the carnage. Meanwhile, Ray confronts the Dalton having a premonition of death hanging around him, also Hugh threats a head-to-head crash at 4,700 toes by pushing on the incorrect side of their street across Atigun Pass.
Episode 8)
Lisa’s Monster Megahaul
air evening: 2010-08-01
Lisa reinforces the very damaging haul of those season, trucking a multi-million buck, 100-lot load over the full country of Alaska. Meanwhile, Alex races to maintain rate and Ray confronts the hardest nights his livelihood after a spin-out in Ice Cut pushes him across the border. Meanwhile, a helpless error could commemorate Lisa of this hard-earned esteem she’s functioned for everybody season prolonged. Also, Greg struggles because of his occupation because Hugh devises a strategy to steal some burden out of his previous pal. Meanwhile, Greg assumes to the largest load of his livelihood also Alex comes with a strategy to OneUp his rival Hugh. Will that the Polar Bear return with a struggle?
Episode 11
A Rookie’s Nightmare
air evening: 2010-08-22
A slight diversion sends newcomer Ray Veilleux bumping right to a snowbank also leaves him subject to the fellow truckers. Meanwhile, difficulty pops upward for Lisa and Hugh if their freight merely wont stay stuck.
Episode 12
The Dalton Strikes Back
air evening: 2010-08-29
The Ice Road Truckers experience one question after a second Ray spins out later yanking a speculative movement, Alex ventures outside on the street having a burntout head-light and also Greg adventures mechanical difficulties. Meanwhile, Jack lugs that a 200-lot megahaul into Prudhoe and Lisa races to improve money to get her horse back.)
Episode 13
Convoy into Hell
air evening: 2010-09-12
The Ice Road Truckers carry to a risky assignment: that the most significant convoy that Dalton has ever found on the path to Nuiqsut. On how, they need to navigate softening ice to ensure increasing temperatures do not ship them into your watery tomb.
Episode 14
A Legend Meets His End
air afternoon: 2010-09-19
A drag street legend’s infant leads into Atigun to express his last good byes and scatter his dad’s ashes nevertheless also the legend of ultimate ride places Ray in an increased risk. Meanwhile, Lisa’s delegated to push-truck a creature load into Prudhoe, that leaves her perception executed. Meanwhile, because the season nears its ending, the truckers form teams for protection, Hugh will get broken for speeding and Jack and Lisa encounter an untested rig.
Episode 16
New King of this Dalton
air evening: 2010-10-03
Co-frontrunners Ray and Greg appear face to face in Atigun, whereas Lisa’s hard work pays off using a unforgettable event, Alex drives to ultimately conquer his nemesis and Jack’s expect to replicate King is at danger from the season finale of Ice Road Truckers.