Here you can download full episodes of Dick Figures season 4 tv series in high quality and low size. We will update this page with direct download links and complete tv packs. On this page you will find download links to Dick Figures season 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 television show.
WATCH NOWThe first episode of the Animation, Comedy, series Dick Figures season 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 was released in 2012-04-05 by YouTube. The TV show was created by and directed by . Actors in the cast include Eric Bauza. The avarenge rating on IMDB: is / 10. Series awards - .
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Episode Guide
Episode inch
Losing Streakers
atmosphere evening: 2012-04-05
A gaming road trip to acquire leasing currency becomes a wild, winner-takes-all nighttime of unskilled, pooping, streaking buffoonery.
Episode two
Pussy Magnet
atmosphere: 2012-04-19
To assist Blue lubricate his playoff sport, Red stocks his three-step policy for becoming fore play started.
Episode 3
Taco Tuesday
atmosphere day: 2012-05-03
After becoming captured wanting to float and rush in an Italian cafe, Red and also Blue are-a forced-a to-a deliver-a pizza-a for a famished drunk bitches. Then Red looks and displays his off “Ocho Muerte.” Let’s only say it really is enormous, slimy, and also rhymes with “octopus.”
Episode 5
First Day of Cool
atmosphere daily: 2012-05-31
Witness the arrival of Red and also Blue’s friendship, and also the passing of everybody.
Episode 6)
The Red Devil
air: 2012-06-14
Red and also Blue grow to be unintentional banditos from the mystical territory of tacos and burritos referred to as “Mexico.”
Episode 7
Freshman 15
atmosphere daytime: 2012-06-28
Red tries the hopeless “Freshman 15” barrier of boning 15 trainee girls at 1 evening. Obstacle Approved!
Episode 8)
Ballad of Lord Tourettes
air day: 2012-07-05
per day at the life span of Lord Tourettes can be quite a frightful FUCKING item!) Swear-together because he participates exactly concerning that.
Episode 9
The Fart Knight Rises
air: 2012-07-12
Batman along with also the Bloser are employed to safeguard the Olympics… right at Tea Time. Cheery-uh oh. Featuring that a cameo by Thomas “TomSka” Ridgewell since the villainous side kick “Mash”!)
Episode 10
Robot Frog
air: 2012-08-01
Blue could be becoming chucked. He’s going to get a awful moment. Red wont quit singing. Blue’s issues are simply commencing.