Here you can download full episodes of Dick Figures season 1 tv series in high quality and low size. We will update this page with direct download links and complete tv packs. On this page you will find download links to Dick Figures season 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 television show.
The first episode of the Animation, Comedy, series Dick Figures season 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 was released in 2010-11-18 by YouTube. The TV show was created by and directed by . Actors in the cast include Eric Bauza. The avarenge rating on IMDB: is / 10. Series awards - .
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Dick Figures season 1 episode Information & download Choices
Episode Guide
Episode 1
A Bee or Something
air evening: 2010-11-18
Blue obtained thrown. He’s with a poor moment. Red’s voice gets auto-tuned. Now Blue is using a worse day.
Episode two
Panda Hat
atmosphere evening: 2010-12-02
Red acquired pub in a drunk and left a birthday bash from his itself!)
Episode 3
Flame War
atmosphere day: 2010-12-16
Red and also Blue develop into a very simple videogame buying spree to a blackops killing spree.
Episode 4)
Traffic Jams
atmosphere day: 2010-12-30
Red little by little drives Blue mad from the speedy lane to no where.)
Episode 5)
air day: 2011-01-13
Red and Blue elect to nourish themselves exactly the conservative manner – searching, murdering and time-traveling.
Episode 6)
air day: 2011-01-27
Red and also Blue will plant that episode on your sub conscious and after that pay it into their own compost.
Episode 7)
Trouble Date
atmosphere day: 2011-02-10
Blue and also Pink’s amorous meal has been destroyed if Red receives his salad tossed.
Episode 8)
Kitty Amazing
atmosphere day: 2011-02-24
Red and also Blue are opinion into the horrors of ‘Apocalypse Meow.’
Episode 9
Role Playas
air evening: 2011-03-10
Cerulean (aka Blue) expects to profit +4 appeals details by rescuing Pinkcess in your Evil King Richard Figures that the Long Shaft.
Episode 10
Attack of those Pwns
air day: 2011-03-24
Space… that the season finale frontier… at which in fact the forces of wicked (Blue) combat the forces of evil-er (Red) to get dominion over the galaxy or some suspended burrito or anything.