Here you can download full episodes of Code Monkeys season 2 tv series in high quality and low size. We will update this page with direct download links and complete tv packs. On this page you will find download links to Code Monkeys season 1, 2, 3 television show.
The first episode of the Animation, Comedy, series Code Monkeys season 1, 2, 3 was released in 2008-06-01 by G4. The TV show was created by and directed by Adam de la Peña. Actors in the cast include Dana Snyder, Adam de la Peña, Lionel Tubbins, Andy Sipes, Matt Mariska, Gretchen McNeil, Suzanne Keilly. The avarenge rating on IMDB: is / 10. Series awards - .
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Episode Guide
Episode inch
Psychological Problems
atmosphere evening: 2008-06-01
The Gameavision workers needed to maneuver emotional tests to be able to continue to keep their own insurancecoverage
Episode 2
My Pal Jodie
air day: 2008-06-08
Dave generates a match which produces some body try to assassinate Ronald Reagan.
Episode 3
Dave Gets Boobs
air evening: 2008-06-15
Dave receives their or her own breasts.
Episode 4)
Valley of this Silicon Dolls
air day: 2008-06-22
When Gameavison tries to take on Lettuce Patch Dolls, they unwittingly produce a creature.
Episode 5)
The Kid is Mine
air day: 2008-06-29
Dave spouses using Michael Jackson to generate an distinctive video match to follow the discharge of Michael’s approaching record, ‘Thriller’.
Episode 6)
Dean at Charge
air afternoon: 2008-07-06
The Gameavision workers experience when Dean is placed in control of conducting the provider.
Episode 7)
Drunken Office Party
air evening: 2008-07-13
Jerry needs to make amends with all the team afterwards becoming drunk on the job party.
Episode 8)
Trouble at the Middle East
air afternoon: 2008-07-20
The dictator of Khakistan kidnaps Dave and also Todd to simply help him along with his world domination strategy. Larrity yells Benny outside for his 7th birthday. Todd’s brother, Chris, visits the GameaVison places of work.)
Episode 10
The Great Recession
air day: 2008-08-03
An recession at the video game sector extends the GameaVision team searching for new projects.
Episode 11
Dave’s Day Off
air day: 2008-08-10
daily in GameaVision gives the actual inspiration supporting John Hughes’ movies.
Episode 12
Car Robber Sunnyvale
air day: 2008-08-17
Jerry and also Dave are jeopardized by way of a dissatisfied celebrity. Larrity’s dad arrives to GameaVision to shoot control.